Ms. Regena Falling
Chef Concierge, Park Hyatt New York

Regena Falling, Chef Concierge at Park Hyatt New York, has been elected President of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges (NYCAHC) effective January 22. 2018. Ms. Falling had previously served as the Vice President of the Association. Prior to relocating to New York City in 2010, Ms. Falling served 10 years on the Board of Directors of Les Clefs d’Or USA, as Director of Membership, Vice President and President. She has also served as President of the Hotel Concierge Guild of Seattle. Ms. Falling was part of the opening team at Park Hyatt New York, which opened in 2014. At the 2015 Hotel Excellence Awards/Silver Plume Awards, held on January 25, 2016 and sponsored by InNY Magazine, Ms. Falling was honored by her peers with the Silver Plume Award for Chef Concierge of the Year.
Ms. Falling is very enthusiastic about her new role as President and went on to explain that, “I am thrilled to be representing members of the New York Association of Hotel Concierge, which include more than 200 Hotel Concierge professionals representing over 24,000 Hotel rooms in New York City. Our members vigilance in their quest for knowledge and unwavering dedication to their profession, their hotels and their guests is what truly inspires me and continues to drive our relevance. We, as concierge, are committed to creating lifelong memories for our guests and driving fierce loyalty to our hotels”
The founders of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges, knew that the work of a dedicated, lobby level Concierge employed by the hotel was a singular calling worthy of distinction. Ms. Falling, the board of directors, and members of the association are uniquely leveraged to enhance a hotel’s cache with the community as ambassadors, locally and even abroad. NYCAHC upholds a high standard of integrity and ethics for all concierges, both inside and outside the organization.
In her role as President, Ms. Falling will lend her creative style of leadership to support the Board of Directors and the membership-at-large as they navigate the ever changing landscape that is the hallmark of the Hotel Concierge profession.
Mr. William Hawkins
Concierge, Mandarin Oriental New York

Mr. William Hawkins was reelected to the Board of Directors, and will serve as Vice President and Secretary. A member of NYCAHC since 2010, Mr. Hawkins previously served as NYCAHC’s Director of Communications and Community Outreach for two years, and prior to serving on the board, Mr. Hawkins was a member of the Association’s Membership Committee. As Director of Communications and Community Outreach, Mr Hawkins has led many of the Association’s charitable endeavors, including the MillionTreesNYC campaign, the Fare Share Friday dinner with Crossroads Community Services, and has been the captain of the 2016 and 2017 NYCAHC AIDS Walk Teams, each of which broke fundraising records and secured NYCAHC’s status as a prestigious “Gold Team” in honor of the team’s exceptional support for GMHC and the other AIDS service organizations benefited.
Prior to working in hospitality, Mr. Hawkins was a licensed attorney and commercial litigator for seven years before leaving that career in 2006 to follow a passion for service. He began this new career at the Mark Hotel, then served as a Concierge at The Alex Hotel for more than five years before he moved to Mandarin Oriental New York in 2012. Mr. Hawkins was honored to have been accepted as a member of Les Clefs d’Or USA in 2014, and again honored to have been nominated for the “Concierge of the Year” award at the 2016 Silver Plume Awards, and was even more honored to have won the Silver Plume Award for Community Service at the 2017 Hotel Excellence Awards gala on January 29, 2018.
Mr. Hawkins hopes to use his prior Board experience and familiarity with the organization’s communication structure to support the President and other directors in their positions, and make certain that goals are set and met for the coming year, as we address new challenges, all towards creating a more vital community, a strong profession, and a positive public perception of our role both by guests and by hotel management.
Anabela Moumdjian
Concierge, The Mark Hotel

Anabela Moumdjian has been elected to the Board of Directors, and will serve as the Association’s Treasurer. Ms. Moumdjian has been working in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years in Argentina and the United States. She was Front Desk and Front Office Manager at prestigious hotels in New York before becoming a Concierge in 2007, holding the position of Assistant Chef Concierge at The Hotel Plaza Athenee and presently working as Concierge at The Mark Hotel. She became a proud member of NYCAHC in 2013 and has always been and active participant in community activities and social events. She previously served on the NYCAHC Ethics Committee.
Ms. Moumdjian is honored to have been elected to be part of The Board of Directors of NYCAHC. As Treasurer Ms. Moumdjian plans on continuing with the financial growth of NYCACH following the path created by previous talented colleagues: “We have an excellent system in place. We need to continue implementing processes that help us bring more revenue to the Association in order to fulfill our Charitable and Crisis funds, as well as providing our Members with the financial support they deserve.”
Mr. Charlie Loor
Concierge, The Pierre, A Taj Hotel

Mr. Charlie Loor has been elected to the Board of Directors, and was appointed Corporate Membership Director of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges (NYCAHC) effective January 22, 2018. Charlie has been a member of the Association since 2013. He has also participated in many Association-sponsored events, particularly the Association’s annual Trade Show, in which representatives of vendors, attractions, restaurants and other service partners are afforded the opportunity to meet members of the Association face to face.
During his time as a member, in 2017 he was recognized by his esteemed members of the association with the Rising Star Award. Most recently in 2018, he was honored by his peers with the Silver Plume Award for Concierge of the Year at the 2018 Hotel Excellence Awards.
Charlie was accepted into Les Clefs d’Or USA in 2016, and is eager to become more involved with the both Les Clefs d’Or and NYCAHC.
Jeanie Voltsinis
Concierge, St, Regis

Ms. Jeanie Voltsinis continues her tenure on the Board of Directors, and will continue to serve as the Association’s Social Director in 2018. She is currently a Concierge of the St. Regis Hotel. Her career as a concierge spans 12 years, formerly serving at the Viceroy Hotel as the Chef Concierge, The Mark Hotel and The Soho Grand. Jeanie is a member of Les Clefs d’Or USA.
Ms. Voltsinis is happy to be continuing on the board, and said, “I want to thank my peers for believing in me and entrusting me to be a part of the Association. I feel honored to be a part of a group of dedicated hard working passionate people. I want to make a real difference this year. I want to ensure that we make this association about the members and ensure that I am providing events that bring the concierge together as team. Not only events that benefit our wonderful vendors but events that help all of our hard working colleagues. I also want to make sure I am continuing to build relationships and partnerships with people who need to be aware of the importance of what we do and who we are.”
John-Paul Palace
Concierge, Hotel Mela
John-Paul Palace was elected to the Board of Directors and has been appointed Director of Communications and Community Outreach. He has previously served on the membership committee and is looking forward to serving the community in his new role.
Mr. Palace has been a concierge in New York City for over a decade at Hotel Mela. He has also been a member of the New York Association of Hotel Concierge since 2013, as well as, Les Clefs d’Or since 2016.
Mr. Palace is very eager to serve his community of concierge this year and hopes to develop the relationships we currently have with our vendors and concierge, while creating new opportunities for the community, in the process. He would like to take on more community service projects that will help our wonderful city prove once more that we, as concierge, are truly here to serve.
Mr Kevin Howard
Formerly of the Hotel Plaza-Athenee, Currently in transition
Mr. Kevin Howard continues his two year term on the Board of Directors, and continues as the Association’s Membership Director for 2018.
Mr Howard was the Assistant Chef Concierge of the Hôtel Plaza Athénée, where he has worked from 2009. Prior to that, Mr. Howard has worked at other top New York City hotels, including the Ritz-Carlton Battery Park, The Lotte New York Palace, and the Marriott World Trade Center.
Mr. Howard has been a member of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges since 2006, and previously served on the Membership Committee. Mr. Howard was accepted into Les Clefs d’Or in 2010, and served on that organizations’s Membership Committee in 2015.
As the Membership Director, Mr. Howard hopes to continue to seek out new candidates for Concierge membership in NYCAHC, and to work on developing new ways to enhance participation for our current members.
Ms. Loida Diaz
Concierge, The Trump International Hotel and Tower

Loida Diaz, Concierge at the Trump International Hotel and Tower, has been appointed Past President/Advisor of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges (NYCAHC). Ms. Diaz has served on the organization’s Board of Directors since 2003. She was the recipient of the 2009 Concierge of the Year Award.
Ms. Diaz was passionate about developing the concierge community and its relationship with New York City at large. She explains, “As one of the pioneer members of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges, I take great pride in the progress we have made building this organization into one of the most respected civic organizations in New York City. The Concierges are the ambassadors for this great city, and we take great pride in giving back to the community through the Association.”
Ms. Diaz has been instrumental in the success of many initiatives for the Association over a decade and served in leadership positions including Social Director, Membership Director, Vice President Public Relations and appointed 3-term as President. She was instrumental in building the association’s funding program through corporate membership. Under her Presidency, the association has reached its highest fund-raising goal for the organization and as a result the NYCAHC Crisis Fund was established to help its members and simultaneously has supported several NYC based-charities “I give credit to my former Board and the support of our members for achieving our goals during my tenure as President.”
Ms. Diaz, would like to continue the vision of the organization and surpass what we have achieved, “As Advisor, I am here to support the mandate, agenda and goals of the newly elected President, Madame President Falling and her Board. I strongly believe that the success of our organization depends on its Board members hard work and the seemingly never-ending dedication of our members.”
“I strongly believe that Madame President Falling and her Board will undoubtedly bring the organization to a new level of professionalism and respect across the New York City community.”
Media Contact: John Paul Palace, Director of Communications and Community Outreach, New York City Association of Hotel Concierges. PR@NYCAHC.ORG